Judah had me up much earlier than expected this morning. So, while Paul and Charlie were still in bed, I decided to make things a little easier on the rest of the family and just tuck Judah into his Ergo and head up to the market just ourselves. It's a gorgeous morning, and it was actually quite fun to be one-on-one with the "little" guy and also to beat most of the crowd. Here's a pic of our finds for this week (notice my sunflower splurge!):
And just for fun, some pics of my second loaf of bread:
And my first attempt at my own red sauce made entirely from fresh ingredients:
For this week's meal plan, you may notice some duplicates from recent menus. The reason is that we kind of cheated this week and went out to eat twice. It's been a rough couple of weeks, and it really suited us to just be out of the house and not have to cook. :)
Meal Plan, Week 4
Sunday: Roast beef with carrots, green beans, and potatoes
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Honey-glazed chicken and broccoli
Wednesday: Fresh salad with honey-glazed chicken
Thursday: Homemade cheese ravioli with red sauce and zucchini
Friday: Pizza night!
Saturday: Vegetable fritatta
The first thing I noticed before I even read anything was your sunflower splurge. :) Good for you! It all sounds delicious! We've eaten local every night this week and plan to do the same next week.